Carlos Torres Vila to open EduFin Summit 2022, BBVA’s global financial education event



The Spanish opening day will be held in the afternoon, from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (UTC +2). After the opening remarks by Carlos Torres Vila and Mairead McGuinness, there will be a round table discussion entitled ‘The value of financial education in the new digital financial environment’, moderated by Ana Rubio, Director of Financial Regulation at BBVA. Margarita Delgado, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Spain; Alejandra Kindelán, President of the Spanish Banking Association (AEB); and Alejandro Beltrán, Founder of will talk about the importance of financial education in a digitized environment that has opened up new ways of interacting, new marketing channels and new assets within the financial system.

At 5.15 pm, Manuel Ángel Méndez, Editor-in-Chief of El Confidencial’s Teknautas, will address the phenomenon of ‘fininfluencers’, a figure that represents a new form of distribution of financial practices, through social networks, which is attracting the interest of the young population.

The final roundtable of the day will focus on the issue of inclusive growth as a cornerstone of sustainable development. This meeting, moderated by Antoni Ballabriga, BBVA’s Global Head of Responsible Business, will discuss the need to promote universal financial inclusion and improve people’s financial health. Laura Díaz, Implementation Support Coordinator of the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative ( UNEP_FI) Banking Team; Mercedes Canalda, President of Banco de Ahorro y Crédito ADOPEM; and Stefan Van Woelderen, Sustainability Manager and Director of Financial Health at ING, will participate in the event.

The following day, the summit will move to Mexico, in the morning from 9 am to 1 pm (UTC -5). The event will be opened by Eduardo Osuna, vice president and general manager of BBVA Mexico; Oscar Rosado, president of the Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users of Condusef; and Mauricio Pallares, Director of Digital Marketing at BBVA Mexico.

At 9:30 am, Hugo Nájera, Director of Customer Solutions at BBVA Mexico, will moderate the round table discussion on ”The challenges of financial inclusion”, which will present the main challenges of financial inclusion according to the World Bank’s Global Findex database, with particular emphasis on women’s access and the digitization of payments. Ana Victoria García, Founder of Victoria 147; Dorothe Singer, Senior Economist for Europe and Central Asia at the World Bank; and Mayada El-Zoghbi, Director of the Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion, will participate in the event.

The revolution of data for driving financial skills will be the main topic of the next meeting, moderated by Carlos Serrano, Chief Economist at BBVA Mexico. Luz Gómez, Vice President of Social Impact, Latin America and Caribbean of Mastercard’s Center for Inclusive Growth, and Raúl Nava Salazar, Digital Services Specialist for Financial Institutions (IFC), will give the keys to the essential role that data analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning play today in creating products and services that promote financial skills, which are essential for improving financial health and withstanding economic crises.

Following a short break, at 11:15 a.m. the issue of financial education as a way to mobilize capital towards sustainable finance will be addressed in a round table moderated by Lidia del Pozo, Director of Social Programs at BBVA. José Luis Ortega, Head of Debt and Multi-Asset Investing at BlackRock Mexico and Pasquale Munafò, Chairman of IOSCO‘s Retail Investors Committee, will talk about how financial education favors the acquisition of knowledge to integrate it into personal financial decisions and is part of the change through the use of sustainable finance.

The event will be brought to a close at 12 noon by BBVA’s Global Head of Sustainability, Javier Rodríguez Soler.

For further information, please write to: or visit the Center for Financial Capability and Education website:

A month dedicated to financial education

EduFin Summit 2022 marks the start of a month in which financial education will take center-stage in Spain on the occasion of the celebration of Financial Education Day on October 3. This commemoration is an initiative of the Financial Education Plan, promoted by the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), the Bank of Spain and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, which this year takes place under the slogan “Education for Safer Finances.”

The goal of this event is twofold: first, to raise awareness of the importance of financial literacy and, secondly, to improve the education of the general public in this field. For this reason, throughout the month, different entities in the sector will hold workshops, talks and webinars, among other educational activities, to bring financial education to a wider public. For further information, please visit:


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