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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

On the morning of Wednesday, Nov. 6, I awoke to four text messages from four of the most important women in my life. My hometown best friend, my two closest friends from college, and my mother. Each message was devastatingly awakening, as I realized I was not dreaming. Each of them expressed their shock, their sadness, and most of all, rage.  

To the other women with a great support system full of other educated, bright, and caring people who understand what was at stake, I am delighted that they are there for you and your families during this time. To the other women who do not have an understanding circle, I am terribly sorry.  

To the women whom this election directly affected, I cannot express how much empathy I have felt for you. The tears I’ve shed these past couple of weeks are more for you than they are for me, as I know for now, I am safe. To the women who feel as though they watched their own abuser obtain the most powerful position in the country, I am heartbroken for you, as this showed the thousands of offenders and rapists that there are in fact little to no consequences to their actions.  

To the thousands of women who faced life-threatening complications and long-term effects on their bodies due to a lack of access to reproductive care, I cannot even imagine how you are feeling knowing that the man responsible was voted for by millions of other women. To the women in states where abortion bans were voted to be lifted, I am so ecstatic for you to know you now have access to life-saving care if you were ever to need it.  

To the women whose male family members decided that you were not worth their vote, I understand. They determined that their own selfish concerns were more important than you, and for that, I am enraged.  

To the young girls who were so excited to see a woman become president, I am devastated to say that once again, our country was not ready for her. But I hope with everything in me that you will see that one day, and I will as well. 

To those who did not understand the stakes of morality in this election, I do not know what else I can say to help you comprehend.  

I do not know what to say to make you care about other human beings.  

“Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars”- Kamala Harris, 2024. 

<p>The post Dear Women  first appeared on Her Campus.</p>


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