Detecting Clouds with AI. From Random Forest to YOLO: Comparing… | by Carmen Adriana Martínez Barbosa, PhD. | Jul, 2024



Some warnings to consider

In some cases, the resulting mask doesn’t fit the clouds of the corresponding image, as shown in the following picture:

Example of a faulty mask. Note how regions without clouds are marked as such.

This can be due to multiple reasons: one is the cloud detection model used in Sentinelhub, which returns false positives. Another reason could be the fixed threshold value used during our preprocessing. To resolve this issue, we propose either creating new masks or discarding the image-mask pairs. We chose the second option. In this link, we share a selection of preprocessed images and masks. Feel free to use them in case you want to experiment with the algorithms explained in this blog.

Several metrics are used to evaluate an instance segmentation model. One of them is the Intersection over Union (IoU). This metric measures the amount of overlap between two segmentation masks. The IoU can have values from 0 to 1. An IoU=0 means no overlap between the predicted and the real segmentation mask. An IoU=1 indicates a perfect prediction.

Definition of IoU. Image made by the authors.

We measure the IoU on one test image to evaluate our models. Our implementation of the IoU is as follows:

IoU implementation using TensorFlow.

We are now ready to segment the clouds in the preprocessed satellite images. We use several algorithms, including classical methods like Random Forests and ANNs. We also use common object segmentation architectures such as U-NET and SegNet. Finally, we experiment with one of the state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms: YOLO.

Random Forest

We want to explore how well classical methods segment clouds in Satellite images. For this experiment, we use a Random Forest. As known, a Random Forest is a set of decision trees, each trained on a different random subset of the data.

We must convert the images to tabular data to train the Random Forest algorithm. In the following code snippet, we show how to do so:

Conversion from image to tabular data and training of a Random Forest model.

Note: You can train the models using the preprocessed images and masks by running the script src/ in your terminal:

> python src/ --model_name={model_name}


  • --model_name=rf trains a Random Forest.
  • --model_name=ann trains an ANN.
  • --model_name=unet trains a U-NET model.
  • --model_name=segnet trains a SegNet model.
  • --model_name=yolo trains YOLO.

The prediction over a test image using Random Forest gives the following result:

Cloud predictions using Random Forest. Image created by the authors.

Surprisingly, Random Forest does a good job of segmenting the clouds in this image. However, its prediction is by pixel, meaning this model does not recognize the clouds’ edges during training.


Artificial Neural Networks are powerful tools that mimic the brain’s structure to learn from data and make predictions. We use a simple architecture with one hidden dense layer. Our aim was not to optimize the ANN’s architecture but to explore the capabilities of dense layers to segment clouds in Satellite images.

ANN implementation in Keras.

As we did for Random Forest, we converted the images to tabular data to train the ANN.

The model predictions on the test image are as follows:

Cloud predictions using an ANN. Image created by the authors.

Although this model’s IoU is worse than that of the Random Forest, the ANN does not classify coast pixels as clouds. This fact might be due to the simplicity of its architecture.


It’s a convolutional Neural Network developed in 2015 by Olaf Ronneberger et al. (See the original paper here). This architecture is an encoder-decoder-based model. The encoder captures an image’s essential features and patterns, like edges, colors, and textures. The decoder helps to create a detailed map of the different objects or areas in the image. In the U-NET architecture, each convolutional encoder layer is connected to its counterpart in the decoder layers. This is called skip connection.

The architecture of UNET. Image taken from Olaf Ronneberger et al. 2015.

U-Net is often preferred for tasks requiring high accuracy and detail, such as medical imaging.

Our implementation of the U-NET architecture is in the following code snippet:

U-NET implementation in Keras.

The complete implementation of the U-NET model can be found in the script src/ in our GitHub repository. For training, we use a batch size of 10 and 100 epochs. The results of the U-NET model on the test image are the following:

Cloud predictions using U-NET. Image created by the authors.

This is the best IoU measurement obtained.


It’s another encoder-decoder-based model developed in 2017 by Vijay Badrinarayanan et al. SegNet is more memory-efficient due to its use of max-pooling indices for upsampling. This architecture is suitable for applications where memory efficiency and speed are crucial, like real-time video processing.

SegNet architecture. Image taken from Shih-Yu Chen et al. (2021).

This architecture differs from U-NET in that U-NET uses skip connections to retain fine details, while SegNet does not.

Like the other models, SegNet can be trained by running the script src/ Once more, we use a batch size of 10 and 100 epochs for training. The resulting cloud segmentation on the test image is shown below:

Cloud predictions using SegNet. Image created by the authors.

Not as good as U-NET!


You Only Look Once (YOLO) is a fast and efficient object detection algorithm developed in 2015 by Joseph Redmon et al. The beauty of this algorithm is that it treats object detection as a regression problem instead of a classification task by spatially separating bounding boxes and associating probabilities to each of the detected images using a single convolutional neural network (CNN).

YOLO’s advantage is that it supports multiple computer vision tasks, including image segmentation. We use a YOLO segmentation model through the Ultralytics Framework. The training is quite simple, as shown in the snippet below:

Training of YOLO using the Ultralytics Framework.

You just need to set up a dataset.yaml file which contains the paths of the images and labels. More information on how to run a YOLO model for segmentation is found here.

Note: Cloud contours are needed instead of masks to train the YOLO model for segmentation. You can find the labels in this data link.

The results of the cloud segmentation on the test image are the following:

Cloud predictions using YOLO. Image created by the authors.

Ugh, this is an ugly result!

While YOLO is a powerful tool for many segmentation tasks, it may perform poorly on images with significant blurring because blurring reduces the contrast between the object and the background. Additionally, YOLO can have difficulty segmenting each object in pictures with many overlapping objects. Since clouds can be blurred objects without well-defined edges and often overlap with others, YOLO is not an appropriate model for segmenting clouds in Satellite images.

We shared the trained models explained above in this link. We did not include Random Forest due to the file size (it’s 6 GB!).

We explore how to segment clouds in Sentinel-2 satellite images using different ML methods. Here are some learnings from this experiment:

  • The data obtained using the Python package sentinelhub is not ready for model training. You must preprocess and perhaps adapt these data to a proper format depending on the selected model (for instance, convert the images to tabular data when training Random Forest or ANNs).
  • The best model is U-NET, followed by Random Forest and SegNet. It’s not surprising that U-NET and SegNet are on this list. Both architectures were developed for segmentation tasks. However, Random Forest performs surprisingly well. This shows how ML methods can also work in image segmentation.
  • The worst models were ANN and YOLO. Due to its simplicity of architecture, we expected ANN not to give good results. Regarding YOLO, segmenting clouds in images is not a suitable task for this algorithm despite being the state-of-the-art method in computer vision. This experiment overall shows that we, as data scientists, must always look for the algorithm that best fits our data.

We hope you enjoyed this post. Once more, thanks for reading!

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