For a teenager to gain weight, it is important to concentrate on a healthy and balanced diet.

gain weight as teenager

1. Increase Calorie Intake: Eating high-calorie foods is the key to weight gain. Foods such as eggs, lean meat, fish, cheese, tofu, yogurt, beans, nuts, and seeds can be a great source of calorie intake.

2. Build Muscle with Protein: Protein-rich foods help in the development of muscle mass. Adding such sources as eggs, lean meat, fish, beans, nuts, and seeds to the diet will result in muscle growth.

3. Increase Portion Size Gradually: Begin by increasing the portion sizes gradually to assist your body in adapting to the consumption of more food. Slowly add the number of meals and snacks to help in weight gain.

4. Eat Regularly: Eating three meals and snacks during the day can be a way of increasing the calorie intake. Eating every few hours can stop energy drops and hence, help in weight gain.

5. Balanced Nutrition: Concentrate on a diet that is rich in proteins, healthy fats, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Steer clear of the overuse of unhealthy fats and sugary foods.

6. Exercise: Strength training exercises can be used to build muscle mass and thus, healthy weight gain can be achieved. It is essential to combine physical activity with a healthy diet.

7. Consult a Professional: In order to make sure that the weight gain plan is both safe and effective, it is necessary to talk to a healthcare provider or a dietitian before making significant dietary changes

Do not forget, the weight gain should be done in a healthy and sustainable way, which means the nutrient-dense foods should be chosen and the changes should be gradual to support the overall well-being.

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How much protein should a teenager consume to gain weight?

The right amount of protein intake is determined by the person’s weight, level of activity, and the goals he/she is aiming at. Here are the key points to consider Protein Needs for Weight Gain:

For the teenagers who are, strength-training or trying to get muscles and adipose tissue, the recommended protein intake ranges from 0. 73 to 1. 10 grams per pound of body weight.

If a teenager weighs 135 pounds, the daily goal of protein is between 99 and 111 grams; this is for a person who weighs 175 pounds, the aim is between 128 and 144 grams.

Complete Protein Intake Guide:

The regular intake of 1 grams of protein per day can be the source of better muscle gain for athletes and active adults. The recommended dosage is 6-2 grams per kilogram of body weight (0. 73-1. 10 grams per pound).

For the seasoned lifters on a bulking, up to 3 is a reasonable amount of protein to consume. 3 grams per kilogram of body weight can be a way to limit fat accumulation and thus, aid in gaining muscle mass.

Men’s Health Recommendation:

Men’s Health advises that in order to have a good muscle, people should eat 1 gram of protein for every pound of their target body weight.

To illustrate, a person who is striving for a weight of 185 pounds should have 185 grams of protein daily as his target.

This table will help you to calculate your protein intake

Food Item Calories per Serving
Whole Wheat Pasta (1 cup cooked) 174
Banana (1 medium) 105
Dark Chocolate (1 oz) 155
Yogurt, plain, low-fat (1 cup) 154
Nuts, mixed (1 oz) 173
Milk, whole (1 cup) 149
Chicken breast, roasted (3.5 oz) 165
Avocado (1 medium) 320
Salmon, sockeye, cooked (3.5 oz) 206
Hummus (2 tbsp) 50
Eggs, large (1 egg) 72
Peanut Butter (2 tbsp) 188
Cheddar Cheese (1 oz) 113
Whole Wheat Bread (1 slice) 69
Granola (1/2 cup) 298
Beans, black, cooked (1 cup) 227
Potato, baked (1 medium) 161
Tofu, firm (1/2 cup) 94
Olive Oil (1 tbsp) 119
Oats, dry (1/2 cup) 303

What are some exercises that can help with weight gain for teenagers

gain weight as teenager

Strength Training Exercises

Push-ups: Lift yourself to the starting position of a high plank where the hands are slightly wider than the shoulder-width apart. Bend your chest to the ground, and then push it back to a standing position.

Pull-ups: Do the pull-up bar with your palms facing towards your body. Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar, then lower down.

Squats: You have to stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Tuck hips, bend knees and lower your body into a squat. Drive in with the heels to go back to the start.

Deadlifts: Face towards the floor, barbell in the front of your feet, feet apart to the width of your hips. Lean at the hips to grip the bar, then pull up through the heels to stand up straight.

Bench Press: Lying on a bench and having the barbell at the chest level is what you have to do. Push the bar up straight, to the position where arms are fully extended, then lower it back down.

Bodyweight Exercises

Crunches: Lie on your back with your knees bending. Hands are placed behind the head and the shoulder blades sit on the floor by curling, then back down is lowered.

Lunges: Lean your other leg forward, keeping both knees bent and trying to go down into a lunge. Put the leg back and again repeat with the other leg.

Glute Bridges: Rest on your back with your knees bent. Raising the hips off the floor, squeezing the glutes at the top, and then lowering back down are the same.

Dips: The ways of getting up with arms extended between two benches while holding your body up are out. Bend the elbows to fall your body, then bring it up.

Burpees: Position the feet such that they are shoulder-width apart. The first step is to squat down, then kick feet backwards into a plank, afterwards, raise the feet back to squat and jump up with a burst.

The main thing is to emphasize compound exercises that engage numerous muscle groups at once. The desired number of strength training sessions per week is 2-3, and the rest days are the ones that will give the body the opportunity to recover. Combine the mentioned exercises with a calorie-surplus diet that is healthy and contains protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats so as to support muscle growth and weight.

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what are some healthy meal options for teenagers trying to gain weight

Here are some healthy meal options for teenagers trying to gain weight:


  • Oatmeal made with whole milk, topped with peanut butter and sliced bananas, is the healthiest breakfast you can possibly have.
  • Breakfast cereal made of whole grain with full-fat yogurt and mixed berries is a healthy and delicious choice.
  • Veggie omelet made of whole eggs, cheese, and avocado, served with whole grain toast is the ideal breakfast for the healthy lifestyle.


  • Whole grain sandwich with lean turkey, cheese, avocado, and hummus, served with carrot sticks and dried fruit is a healthy meal option.
  • The quinoa and black bean burrito bowl with brown rice, grilled chicken, salsa, and guacamole is my favorite of all.
  • Tuna salad prepared with full-fat mayo, served on a bed of greens with whole grain crackers is a common combination of ingredients.


  • The grilled salmon with the roasted sweet potatoes and the sautéed spinach are the key ingredients for this meal.
  • Beef and broccoli stir-fry over brown rice is a dish based on beef and broccoli which is cooked in a stir-fry manner and is eaten over brown rice.
  • Chicken thighs are shall be baked with potatoes and Brussels sprouts which have been roasted.


  • A trail mix that is a combination of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit is what was made.
  • Greek yogurt with granola and fresh fruit is the combination that can be the solution to the problem of not having enough time to make breakfast.
  • Whole grain toast with almond butter and caramelized apples are the perfect combination of healthy and delicious.
  • Cottage cheese with pineapple and a pinch of cinnamon is the combination that you will never want to miss.

Do have 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day and aim to increase food portion size gradually so as to fulfill your daily calorie needs.

what are some other factors that can affect weight gain in teenagers

gain weight as teenager

Lifestyle Habits:

Eating habits and physical activity levels are the main causes of weight gain. The intake of more calories than the physical activity expenditure can result in the weight gain.

Sedentary activities, such as being in a position of sitting or lying down for a long time, can lead to weight gain over time.

Environmental Factors:

Healthy food options and safe places for physical activity in the community can affect lifestyle choices and weight management.


The lack of sleep is connected to weight gain since it causes the feeling of hunger, the intake of more calories and the desire for unhealthy food.

The importance of sleep cannot be overstated; it is the key to good health and can help in preventing weight-related problems.


  • Some medications can affect energy balance by either increasing the appetite or decreasing the calorie expenditure, thus, causing weight gain.
  • Medications used for the treatment of conditions such as epilepsy, depression, high blood pressure, and diabetes can be the reason for weight gain.

Health Conditions:

  • Endocrine disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Cushing’s syndrome, and hypothyroidism can affect weight control and cause obesity in teenagers.
  • Mental health problems such as depression and prolonged stress can also be the causes of weight gain and the total health condition.
  • Genetics:
  • Family history and genetic factors can make teenagers more prone to overweight or obesity. The offspring of parents with obesity are more likely to be obese themselves.
  • Genes can also affect body fat distribution, appetite regulation, and physical activity levels, which in turn influence weight management in teenagers.

what are some common mistakes to avoid when trying to gain weight

Consuming too much food at once can result in the excessive intake of calories, and thus, the body will convert these calories into fat instead of using them for muscle gain..

Shying Away from Good Carbs: Cutting down on complex carbohydrates will inhibit weight gain because they are the source of energy and fuel for muscle growth..

Too Much Dependency on Supplements: Overdependence on supplements can be a cause of nutritional imbalance and not provide the required nutrients for a healthy weight gain.

Getting Influenced by Routines of Heavy Bodybuilders: The act of carrying out intense workout routines without the knowledge of individual requirements can, in the end, result in the burnout and the unsuccessful weight gain.

Expecting Overnight Weight Gain: The impossible expectations of fast weight gain can cause the person to feel annoyed and hopeless.

Stop Skipping Meals: Missing meals will not only disrupt the metabolism but also, it will not help in weight gain, as the body will adapt itself to function with less food.

Neglecting Health: The disregard of the general health and nutrition can cause deficiencies and health problems that prevent the weight gain.

Not Paying Attention to Macros: Not maintaining the balance of macronutrients (carbs, fats, and proteins) will lead to an unbalanced diet which in turn will not support healthy weight gain.

Completely Avoiding Exercise: The failure of exercise can lead to a life of inactivity, which in turn, is harmful to health and causes weight gain.

Inadequate Sleep: Lack of restful sleep can prevent muscle recovery and growth, thus making it harder to gain weight..

Poor Nutrition: The intake of a diet which lacks essential nutrients and is high in processed foods can be a barrier to gaining weight.

Inadequate Caloric Surplus: The overestimating of the number of calories needed to maintain weight gain can cause a slow or ineffective weight gain process..

Over Reliance on Unhealthy Foods: The only way to rely on high-calorie, low-nutrient foods is to be overweight but also, the risk of health issues will be increased.

Lack of Resistance Training: The absence of resistance training exercises can cause muscle growth and weight gain to be hindered.

Inconsistent Eating Habits: Irregular eating patterns can interfere with the metabolism and will not lead to weight gain.

Lack of Patience and Persistence: The unrealistic expectations and lack of persistence can make the weight gain efforts fail and the students become frustrated.

Read More: Weight Gain: 6 Simple Tips You Should Try For Fast Results

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