Integrating Multimodal Data into a Large Language Model | by Umair Ali Khan | Oct, 2024


Let’s delve into the step-by-step implementation of CMRAG.

Multimodal Parsing

The following libraries need to be installed for running the code discussed in this article.

!pip install llama-index ipython cohere rank-bm25 pydantic nest-asyncio python-dotenv openai llama-parse

All libraries to be imported to run the whole code are mentioned in the GitHub notebook. For this article, I used Key Figures on Immigration in Finland (licensed under CC By 4.0, re-use allowed) which contains several graphs, images, and text data.

LlamaParse offers multimodal parsing using a vendor multimodal model (such as gpt-4o) to handle document extraction.

parser = LlamaParse(

In this mode, a screenshot of every page of a document is taken, which is then sent to the multimodal model with instructions to extract as markdown. The markdown result of each page is consolidated into the final output.

The recent LlamaParse Premium mode offers advanced multimodal document parsing, extracting text, tables, and images into well-structured markdown while significantly reducing missing content and hallucinations. It can be used by creating a free account at Llama Cloud Platform and obtaining an API key. The free plan offers to parse 1,000 pages per day.

LlamaParse premium mode is used as follows:

from llama_parse import LlamaParse
import os

# Function to read all files from a specified directory
def read_docs(data_dir) -> List[str]:
files = []
for f in os.listdir(data_dir):
fname = os.path.join(data_dir, f)
if os.path.isfile(fname):
return files

parser = LlamaParse(

files = read_docs(data_dir = DATA_DIR)

We start with reading a document from a specified directory, parse the document using the parser’s get_json_result() method, and get image dictionaries using the parser’s get_images() method. Subsequently, the nodes are extracted and sent to the LLM to assign context based on the overall document using the retrieve_nodes() method. Parsing of this document (60 pages), including getting image dictionaries, took 5 minutes and 34 seconds(a one-time process).

json_results = parser.get_json_result(files)
print("Getting image dictionaries...")
images = parser.get_images(json_results, download_path=image_dir)
print("Retrieving nodes...")
The fourth page of the report (Source: Key Figures on Immigration)
The fourth page in the report represented by the first node of the JSON results (image by author)

Contextual Retrieval

Individual nodes and the associated images (screenshots) are extracted by retrieve_nodes() function from the parsed josn_results. Each node is sent to _assign_context() function along with all the nodes (doc variable in the below code). The _assign_context() function uses a prompt template CONTEXT_PROMPT_TMPL (adopted and modified from this source) to add a concise context to each node. This way, we integrate metadata, markdown text, context, and raw text into the node.

The following code shows the implementation of retrieve_nodes() function. The two helper functions, _get_sorted_image_files() and get_img_page_number(), get sorted image files by page and the page number of images, respectively. The overall aim is not to rely solely on the raw text as the simple RAGs do to generate the final answer, but to consider metadata, markdown text, context, and raw text, as well as the whole images (screenshots) of the retrieved nodes (image links in the node’s metadata) to generate the final response.

# Function to get page number of images using regex on file names
def get_img_page_number(file_name):
match ="-page-(\d+)\.jpg$", str(file_name))
if match:
return int(
return 0

# Function to get image files sorted by page
def _get_sorted_image_files(image_dir):
raw_files = [f for f in list(Path(image_dir).iterdir()) if f.is_file()]
sorted_files = sorted(raw_files, key=get_img_page_number)
return sorted_files

# Context prompt template for contextual chunking
You are an AI assistant specializing in document analysis. Your task is to provide brief, relevant context for a chunk of text from the given document.
Here is the document:

Here is the chunk we want to situate within the whole document:

Provide a concise context (2-3 sentences) for this chunk, considering the following guidelines:
1. Identify the main topic or concept discussed in the chunk.
2. Mention any relevant information or comparisons from the broader document context.
3. If applicable, note how this information relates to the overall theme or purpose of the document.
4. Include any key figures, dates, or percentages that provide important context.
5. Do not use phrases like "This chunk discusses" or "This section provides". Instead, directly state the context.

Please give a short succinct context to situate this chunk within the overall document to improve search retrieval of the chunk.
Answer only with the succinct context and nothing else.



# Function to generate context for each chunk
def _assign_context(document: str, chunk: str, llm) -> str:
prompt = CONTEXT_PROMPT.format(document=document, chunk=chunk)
response = llm.complete(prompt)
context = response.text.strip()
return context

# Function to create text nodes with context
def retrieve_nodes(json_results, image_dir, llm) -> List[TextNode]:
nodes = []
for result in json_results:
json_dicts = result["pages"]
document_name = result["file_path"].split('/')[-1]
docs = [doc["md"] for doc in json_dicts] # Extract text
image_files = _get_sorted_image_files(image_dir) # Extract images
# Join all docs to create the full document text
document_text = "\n\n".join(docs)
for idx, doc in enumerate(docs):
# Generate context for each chunk (page)
context = _assign_context(document_text, doc, llm)
# Combine context with the original chunk
contextualized_content = f"{context}\n\n{doc}"
# Create the text node with the contextualized content
chunk_metadata = {"page_num": idx + 1}
chunk_metadata["image_path"] = str(image_files[idx])
chunk_metadata["parsed_text_markdown"] = docs[idx]

node = TextNode(
return nodes
# Get text nodes
text_node_with_context = retrieve_nodes(json_results, image_dir, llm)First page of the report (image by author)First page of the report (image by author)

Here is the depiction of a node corresponding to the first page of the report.

Node with context and metadata added (image by author)

Enhancing Contextual Retrieval with BM25 and Re-ranking

All the nodes with metadata, raw text, markdown text, and context information are then indexed into a vector database. BM25 indices for the nodes are created and saved in a pickle file for query inference. The processed nodes are also saved for later use (text_node_with_context.pkl).

    # Create the vector store index
index = VectorStoreIndex(text_node_with_context, embed_model=embed_model)
# Build BM25 index
documents = [node.text for node in text_node_with_context]
tokenized_documents = [doc.split() for doc in documents]
bm25 = BM25Okapi(tokenized_documents)
# Save bm25 and text_node_with_context
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'tokenized_documents.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(tokenized_documents, f)
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'text_node_with_context.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(text_node_with_context, f)

We can now initialize a query engine to ask queries using the following pipeline. But before that, the following prompt is set to guide the behavior of the LLM to generate the final response. A multimodal LLM (gpt-4o-mini) is initialized to generate the final response. This prompt can be adjusted as needed.

# Define the QA prompt template
Below we give parsed text from documents in two different formats, as well as the image.

Given the context information and not prior knowledge, answer the query. Generate the answer by analyzing parsed markdown, raw text and the related
image. Especially, carefully analyze the images to look for the required information.
Format the answer in proper format as deems suitable (bulleted lists, sections/sub-sections, tables, etc.)
Give the page's number and the document name where you find the response based on the Context.

Query: {query_str}
Answer: """

PROMPT = PromptTemplate(RAG_PROMPT)

# Initialize the multimodal LLM
MM_LLM = OpenAIMultiModal(model="gpt-4o-mini", temperature=0.0, max_tokens=16000)

Integrating the Whole Pipeline in a Query Engine

The following QueryEngine class implements the above-mentioned workflow. The number of nodes in BM25 search (top_n_bm25) and the number of re-ranked results (top_n) by the re-ranker can be adjusted as required. The BM25 search and re-ranking can be selected or de-selected by toggling the best_match_25 and re_ranking variables in the GitHub code.

Here is the overall workflow implemented by QueryEngine class.

  1. Find query embeddings
  2. Retrieve nodes from the vector database using vector-based retrieval
  3. Retrieve nodes with BM25 search (if selected)
  4. Combine nodes from both BM25 and vector-based retrieval. Find the unique number of nodes (remove duplicated)
  5. Apply re-ranking to re-rank the combined results (if selected). Here, we use Cohere’s rerank-english-v2.0 re-ranker model. You can create an account at Cohere’s website to get the trial API keys.
  6. Create image nodes from the images associated with the nodes
  7. Create context string from the parsed markdown text
  8. Send the node images to the multimodal LLM for interpretation.
  9. Generate the final response by sending the text nodes, image node descriptions, and metadata to the LLM.
# DeFfine the QueryEngine integrating all methods
class QueryEngine(CustomQueryEngine):
# Public fields
qa_prompt: PromptTemplate
multi_modal_llm: OpenAIMultiModal
node_postprocessors: Optional[List[BaseNodePostprocessor]] = None

# Private attributes using PrivateAttr
_bm25: BM25Okapi = PrivateAttr()
_llm: OpenAI = PrivateAttr()
_text_node_with_context: List[TextNode] = PrivateAttr()
_vector_index: VectorStoreIndex = PrivateAttr()

def __init__(
qa_prompt: PromptTemplate,
bm25: BM25Okapi,
multi_modal_llm: OpenAIMultiModal,
vector_index: VectorStoreIndex,
node_postprocessors: Optional[List[BaseNodePostprocessor]] = None,
llm: OpenAI = None,
text_node_with_context: List[TextNode] = None,
self._bm25 = bm25
self._llm = llm
self._text_node_with_context = text_node_with_context
self._vector_index = vector_index

def custom_query(self, query_str: str):
# Prepare the query bundle
query_bundle = QueryBundle(query_str)

bm25_nodes = []
if best_match_25 == 1: # if BM25 search is selected
# Retrieve nodes using BM25
query_tokens = query_str.split()
bm25_scores = self._bm25.get_scores(query_tokens)
top_n_bm25 = 5 # Adjust the number of top nodes to retrieve
# Get indices of top BM25 scores
top_indices_bm25 = bm25_scores.argsort()[-top_n_bm25:][::-1]
bm25_nodes = [self._text_node_with_context[i] for i in top_indices_bm25]"BM25 nodes retrieved: {len(bm25_nodes)}")
else:"BM25 not selected.")

# Retrieve nodes using vector-based retrieval from the vector store
vector_retriever = self._vector_index.as_query_engine().retriever
vector_nodes_with_scores = vector_retriever.retrieve(query_bundle)
# Specify the number of top vectors you want
top_n_vectors = 5 # Adjust this value as needed
# Get only the top 'n' nodes
top_vector_nodes_with_scores = vector_nodes_with_scores[:top_n_vectors]
vector_nodes = [node.node for node in top_vector_nodes_with_scores]"Vector nodes retrieved: {len(vector_nodes)}")

# Combine nodes and remove duplicates
all_nodes = vector_nodes + bm25_nodes
unique_nodes_dict = {node.node_id: node for node in all_nodes}
unique_nodes = list(unique_nodes_dict.values())"Unique nodes after deduplication: {len(unique_nodes)}")

nodes = unique_nodes

if re_ranking == 1: # if re-ranking is selected
# Apply Cohere Re-ranking to rerank the combined results
documents = [node.get_content() for node in nodes]
max_retries = 3
for attempt in range(max_retries):
reranked = cohere_client.rerank(
top_n=3 # top-3 re-ranked nodes
except CohereError as e:
if attempt < max_retries - 1:
logging.warning(f"Error occurred: {str(e)}. Waiting for 60 seconds before retry {attempt + 1}/{max_retries}")
time.sleep(60) # Wait before retrying
logging.error("Error occurred. Max retries reached. Proceeding without re-ranking.")
reranked = None

if reranked:
reranked_indices = [result.index for result in reranked.results]
nodes = [nodes[i] for i in reranked_indices]
nodes = nodes[:3] # Fallback to top 3 nodes"Nodes after re-ranking: {len(nodes)}")
else:"Re-ranking not selected.")

# Limit and filter node content for context string
max_context_length = 16000 # Adjust as required
current_length = 0
filtered_nodes = []

# Initialize tokenizer
from transformers import GPT2TokenizerFast
tokenizer = GPT2TokenizerFast.from_pretrained("gpt2")

for node in nodes:
content = node.get_content(metadata_mode=MetadataMode.LLM).strip()
node_length = len(tokenizer.encode(content))"Node ID: {node.node_id}, Content Length (tokens): {node_length}")
if not content:
logging.warning(f"Node ID: {node.node_id} has empty content. Skipping.")
if current_length + node_length <= max_context_length:
current_length += node_length
else:"Reached max context length with Node ID: {node.node_id}")
break"Filtered nodes for context: {len(filtered_nodes)}")

# Create context string
ctx_str = "\n\n".join(
[n.get_content(metadata_mode=MetadataMode.LLM).strip() for n in filtered_nodes]

# Create image nodes from the images associated with the nodes
image_nodes = []
for n in filtered_nodes:
if "image_path" in n.metadata:
logging.warning(f"Node ID: {n.node_id} lacks 'image_path' metadata.")"Image nodes created: {len(image_nodes)}")

# Prepare prompt for the LLM
fmt_prompt = self.qa_prompt.format(context_str=ctx_str, query_str=query_str)

# Use the multimodal LLM to interpret images and generate a response
llm_response = self.multi_modal_llm.complete(
image_documents=[image_node.node for image_node in image_nodes],
)"LLM response generated.")

# Return the final response
return Response(
"text_node_with_context": self._text_node_with_context,
"image_nodes": image_nodes,

# Initialize the query engine with BM25, Cohere Re-ranking, and Query Expansion
query_engine = QueryEngine(
print("All done")

An advantage of using OpenAI models, especially gpt-4o-mini, is much lower cost for context assignment and query inference running, as well as much smaller context assignment time. While the basic tiers of both OpenAI and Anthropic do quickly hit the maximum rate limit of API calls, retry time in Anthropic’s basic tier vary and could be too long. Context assignment process for only first 20 pages of this document with claude-3–5-sonnet-20240620 took approximately 170 seconds with prompt caching and costed 20 cents (input + output tokens). Whereas, gpt-4o-mini is roughly 20x cheaper compared to Claude 3.5 Sonnet for input tokens and roughly 25x cheaper for output tokens. OpenAI claims to implement prompt caching for repetitive content which works automatically for all API calls.

In comparison, the context assignment to nodes in this entire document (60 pages) through gpt-4o-mini completed in approximately 193 seconds without any retry request.

After implementing the QueryEngine class, we can run the query inference as follows:

original_query = """What are the top countries to whose citizens the Finnish Immigration Service issued the highest number of first residence permits in 2023?
Which of these countries received the highest number of first residence permits?"""
response = query_engine.query(original_query)

Here is the markdown response to this query.

Response to the query (image by author)

The pages cited in the query response are the following.

One of the cited pages (page 9) in the above query. The extracted information is shown in red rectangle (Source: Key Figures on Immigration)

Now let’s compare the performance of gpt-4o-mini based RAG (LlamaParse premium + context retrieval + BM25 + re-ranking) with Claude based RAG (LlamaParse premium + context retrieval). I also implemented a simple, baseline RAG which can be found in GitHub’s notebook. Here are the three RAGs to be compared.

  1. Simple RAG in LlamaIndex using SentenceSplitter to split the documents into chunks (chunk_size = 800, chunk_overlap= 400), creating a vector index and vector retrieval.
  2. CMRAG (claude-3–5-sonnet-20240620, voyage-3) — LlamaParse premium mode + context retrieval
  3. CMRAG (gpt-4o-mini, text-embedding-3-small) — LlamaParse premium mode + context retrieval + BM25 + re-ranking

For the sake of simplicity, we refer to these RAGs as RAG0, RAG1, and RAG2, respectively. Here are three pages from the report from where I asked three questions (1 question from each page) to each RAG. The areas highlighted by the red rectangles show the ground truth or the place from where the right answer should come from.

Page 4 of the document (Source: Key Figures on Immigration)
Page 12 of the document (Source: Key Figures on Immigration)
Page 20 of the document (Source: Key Figures on Immigration)

Here are the responses to the three RAGs to each question.

Comparison of basic RAG, Claude-based CMRAG, and gpt-4o-mini based CMRAG (image by author)

It can be seen that RAG2 performs very well. For the first question, RAG0 provides a wrong answer because the question was asked from an image. Both RAG1 and RAG2 provided the right answer to this question. For the other two questions, RAG0 could not provide any answer. Whereas, both RAG1 and RAG2, provided right answers to these questions.

Overall, RAG2’s performance was equal or even better than RAG1 in many cases due to the integration of BM25, re-ranking, and better prompting. It provides a cost-effective solution to a contextual, multimodal RAG. A possible integration in this pipeline could be hypothetical document embedding (hyde) or query extension. Similarly, open-source embedding models (such as all-MiniLM-L6-v2) and/or light-weight LLMs (such as gemma2 or phi-3-small) could also be explored to make it more cost effective.

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