Data Science Meets Politics. Unraveling Congressional Dynamics With… | by Luiz Venosa | Sep, 2024


First of all, we need data.

I downloaded data on all the laws voted on and how each member of Congress voted from 2023 to 2024 up to May 18th. All the data is available at the Brazilian Congress’s open data portal. I then created two different pandas dataframes, one with all the laws voted on and another with how each congress member voted in each vote.

votacoes = pd.concat([pd.read_csv('votacoes-2023.csv', header=0, sep=';'),  pd.read_csv('votacoes-2024.csv', header=0, sep=';')])
votacoes_votos_dep = pd.concat([pd.read_csv('votacoesVotos-2023.csv', sep=';', quoting=1) , pd.read_csv('votacoesVotos-2024.csv', sep=';', on_bad_lines='warn', quoting=1, encoding='utf-8')])

To the votacoes dataframe, I selected only the entries with idOrgao of 180, which means they were voted in the main chamber of Congress. So, we have the data for the votes of most congress members. Then I used this the list of the votacoes_Ids to filter the votacoes_votos_dep dataframe.

plen = votacoes[votacoes['idOrgao'] == 180]
votacoes_ids = plen['id'].unique()
votacoes_votos_dep = votacoes_votos_dep[votacoes_votos_dep['idVotacao'].isin(votacoes_ids)]

Now, in the votacoes_votos_dep, each vote is a row with the congress member’s name and the voting session ID to identify who and what the vote refers to. Therefore, I created a pivot table so that each row represents a congress member and each column refers to a vote, encoding Yes as 1 and No as 0 and dropping any vote where more than 280 deputies didn’t vote.

votacoes_votos_dep['voto_numerico'] = votacoes_votos_dep['voto'].map({'Sim': 1, 'Não':0})
votes_pivot = votacoes_votos_dep.pivot_table(index='deputado_nome', columns='idVotacao', values='voto_numerico').dropna(axis=1, thresh=280)

Before computing the similarity matrix, I filled all remaining NAs with 0.5 so as not to interfere with the positioning of the congress member. Finally, we compute the similarity between the vectors of each deputy using cosine similarity and store it in a dataframe.

from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
similarity_matrix = cosine_similarity(votes_pivot)
similarity_df = pd.DataFrame(similarity_matrix, index=votes_pivot.index, columns=votes_pivot.index)
Similarity Matrix – Image By the Author

Now, use the information about the voting similarities between congressmen to build a network using Networkx. A node will represent each member.

import networkx as nx

names = similarity_df.columns
# Create the graph as before
G = nx.Graph()
for i, name in enumerate(names):

Then, the edges connecting two nodes represent a similarity of at least 75% of the two congressmen’s voting behavior. Also, to address the fact that some congress members have dozens of peers with high degrees of similarity, I only selected the first 25 congressmen with the highest similarity to be given an edge.

threshold = 0.75
for i in range(len(similarity_matrix)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(similarity_matrix)):
if similarity_matrix[i][j] > threshold:
# G.add_edge(names[i], names[j], weight=similarity_matrix[i][j])
counter[names[i]].append((names[j], similarity_matrix[i][j]))
for source, target in counter.items():
selected_targets = sorted(target, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:26]
for target, weight in selected_targets:
G.add_edge(source, target, weight=weight)

To visualize the network, you need to decide the position of each node in the plane. I decided to use the spring layout, which uses the edges as springs holding nodes close while trying to separate. Adding a seed allows for reproducibility since it is a random process.

pos = nx.spring_layout(G, k=0.1,  iterations=50, seed=29)

Finally, we plot the network using a Go figure and individually add the edges and nodes based on their position.

# Create Edges
edge_x = []
edge_y = []
for edge in G.edges():
x0, y0 = pos[edge[0]]
x1, y1 = pos[edge[1]]
edge_x.extend([x0, x1, None])
edge_y.extend([y0, y1, None])

# Add edges as a scatter plot
edge_trace = go.Scatter(x=edge_x, y=edge_y, line=dict(width=0.5, color='#888'), hoverinfo='none', mode='lines')
# Create Nodes
node_x = []
node_y = []
for node in G.nodes():
x, y = pos[node]

# Add nodes as a scatter plot
node_trace = go.Scatter(x=node_x, y=node_y, mode='markers+text', hoverinfo='text', marker=dict(showscale=True, colorscale='YlGnBu', size=10, color=[], line_width=2))

# Add text to the nodes
node_trace.text = list(G.nodes())

# Create a figure
fig = go.Figure(data=[edge_trace, node_trace],
layout=go.Layout(showlegend=False, hovermode='closest', margin=dict(b=0,l=0,r=0,t=0), xaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), yaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False)))


Image by the Author

Well, it’s a good start. Different clusters of congressmen can be seen, which suggests that it accurately captures the political alignment and alliances in Congress. But it is a mess, and it is impossible to really discern what’s going on.

To improve the visualization, I made the name appear only when you hover over the node. Also, I colored the nodes according to the political parties and coalitions available on Congress’s site and sized them based on how many edges they are connected to.

Image by the Author

It’s a lot better. We have three clusters, with some nodes between them and a few bigger ones in each. Also, in each cluster, there is a majority of a particular color. Well, let’s dissect it.

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