Day Off From All Worries |



I visited Facebook twice this week, in both cases to post my new article. I also opened Twitter (once) and LinkedIn (twice) for the same reason. Surprise, surprise – I am still alive!

There is a possibility that I missed something that could change my life, but since my life is rather good even without that important thing, I consider the experiment to be very refreshing.

The few friends that wanted to contact me during this time easily found a way to do so. Now I can say for sure: there is life outside of the social media world 😉 Try!

I plan to follow up with my detox, you know where to find me. Outside of networks:)

However, this is not the only experiment that I arranged last week. I made another very pleasant one. I gave myself a day off from all the worries of the world.

I do not know too much about your habits, but I usually feel guilty for half of the things that I do and do not do. I do not read enough and if I do, then the books I pick are not as ambitious as they should be. My house is not as perfect and clean as I expect it to be. The food I prepare is supposed to be more nutritionally balanced and the time I spend with kids is meant to be better organized.

This Wednesday I gave myself a day off from playing Miss Perfect.

I didn’t have to go to work, so I had all day for myself and decided that this particular Wednesday I will not allow myself to feel guilty, not even once.

After dropping my kids at school I had a pleasant tea time with a friend, then I took a nice bath, read book, cleaned the apartment for two hours (because I wanted, not because I felt obligated to do so) and in the evening we made a beautiful collage with my girls. I ate a kilo of tangerines, drank a whole bottle of my favorite soya milk and ate many other yummy stuff.

At the end of the day I felt totally relaxed and happy.

I highly recommend you to try this on yourself! Nobody noticed that I am less perfect, few people suggested (my daughters included) that I look more joyful.

I do not want to live all my life without any attempt to become better every day, but from time to time I will definitely prescribe myself a day off.

An easy and effective way to relax. And you do not even have to contact your GP or pharmacologist! No side effects:) I encourage you to give it a try!

However, should you need a hand to discuss or organize it, do not hesitate to contact me! I have more time now:)


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